Monday, October 9

Landlord stands for BNP in target Manchester seat

The website Hope Not Hate/ Stop the BNP has run a story about Derek Adams:

A MANCHESTER pub landlord is to stand for the British National Party in a key area of the inner city.

Derrick Adams, who runs the Ace of Diamonds pub in Miles Platting will contest the Gorton South seat left vacant after the death of Lib/Dem Councillor and former Lord Mayor, James Ashley.

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1 comment:

jaybee said...

The BNP vote seems to grow every election. They now have over 100 local councillors and a seat on the Greater London Authority. Seems only a matter of time before they get a councillor elected in north Manchester. They get between 25-30% of the vote there. Flooding the area with Africans obviously doesn't help the anti-BNP case. Ordinary whites are seeing their wages frozen and jobs go to immigrants so are turning to the BNP. What can we do?